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5 things that bring me joy this week

Check the entire “5 things that bring me joy this week” weekly series here, a collection of seemingly insignificant things that remind us to appreciate the little things — those small joys that make a difference in our day-to-day.

I woke up this morning thinking of how it could possibly be only Wednesday… as in, this has been a looong week. Luckily, it’s only downhill from here, so the week’s on the mend.

We had a bit of a meh weekend as we couldn’t solidify any plans, and ended up doing nothing. Well, besides some minor errands and things at home. It wasn’t exactly an inspiring start to a new week, and it’s only been dragging since. And I also had a realization today… I reinstalled the Threads app on my phone after deleting it to make room (it always happens), and I have been scrolling on there quite a lot recently. And yesterday, I realized that it’s dragging me down. My feed on there is a copy-paste of the same words from different accounts, and venting about this or that, among other things. It’s definitely not as negative and hateful as “the other app”, but it’s just… not anything I need! So today I decided to scale back on it, majorly. Because I was honestly feeling better before getting back on it. So here’s the lightbulb of this week…

And now we can move on to the 5 things that bring me joy this week, and they are…

  • the rain. We got some rain this week after a month(?) of extreme heat and dryness, and wow, did that bring me joy! I told you I loved the rain 😊.

  • finding a blue and white dream dress. It sold out almost immediately, so I can’t link it but I will be sure to share if it comes back in stock. But it’s very similar to this dress and this one.

  • these sunglasses I now have in three colors (milky navy, milky blue, and cream brown). I love some big retro sunglasses!

  • homemade popsicles. As the heat is insufferable here, it’s time for all the cooling and refreshing things. We’ve been making popsicles lately (we currently have some mango ones in the freezer) to enjoy whenever. So easy and so yummy!

  • a self-care day (and that was today for me). I decided to make a schedule incorporating a self-care day weekly. I tend to be in a rush and get out of the bathroom as quickly as possible so “adding it to the calendar” was the only way to make it happen consistently. It makes a whole lot of difference to how I feel, and even look, so if you need some TLC (who doesn’t), may this be your gentle reminder. Self-care is a must for yourself as I can assure you that it will benefit those around you as well.

What’s bringing YOU joy this week?



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