Blooming Magnolias Blog

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5 things that bring me joy this week

Check the entire “5 things that bring me joy this week” weekly series here.

Closing the chapter of August 2022 today, and I normally get reflective… many things and anniversaries are happening around this time for us, including our upcoming 10th wedding anniversary! 10 years of married life! It feels like so long ago, and only yesterday at the same time… time perception is a funny thing for us humans…

Before I get too nostalgic and reflective, here are the 5 things that bring me joy this week:

  • The cool air felt right before a storm. You know that fresh, cool air that lingers after a rainstorm? Well, that’s not something that occurs in Florida… usually, after it rains around here, it gets miserable outside — muggy and steamy as if you’re trapped in a bathroom (or sauna) after you took a long, hot shower — not pleasant... Lately though, right before a rainstorm, we’ve been getting waves of cool air, and that brings me a lot of joy.

  • Clean, crisp cotton pajamas! I cannot stand soft PJs during the warm season as I find any fabric clinging to me extremely unpleasant. This set as well as these cotton pajama shorts feel amazing to me and keep me comfortable and cool all night! If you also don’t like soft PJs when it’s hot, you may love these. I tend to go a size up in my PJs for extra comfort.

  • Daily smoothies. Our bodies have gotten used to them so much now, that we find ourselves literally craving them. Needless to say that they bring us joy (along with important nutrients!).

  • A new-to-me brand and one of their products that I’ve been testing and LOVING! I will be sharing it on my Instagram this week, along with a discount code so stay tuned! Update: check it out here.

  • Peace and quiet! Our neighbors have been gone so not hearing anything next door is not just bringing us joy, it’s pure bliss, and we’re enjoying it while it lasts!

What’s bringing YOU joy this week?



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