Here we are just days away from another Thanksgiving holiday and, normally, around this time of the year, we start reflecting on the things we are thankful for.
Each year, as we get older, I notice that while some of the things on my list are changing, the majority of them are the same, year after year:
my wonderful husband who has loved and supported me through the toughest times and rejoiced with me through the good ones
my dear mom, brother, and in-laws
life, with all its ups and downs
my health
the people who have brought me down, those who appreciated me, and recognized me for who I am
a job that reminds me to not give up on my dreams
present and past experiences
hobbies that give me motivation
nature and all its greatness
the ocean
and last, but not least, YOU reading this, following my posts, and sharing your words of kindness and encouragement.
It's just that simple.
While we, in this modern world, might need a lot of material things to survive (or we think we do), if you really think about it, we rarely include them in these lists - most of us would give up a lot to have someone to love/love us back, good-health, a roof above our heads and food on our tables.
We are so attached to these material things. Why do we keep adding them, cluttering our lives, and weighing us down? I am definitely guilty of this and I have to admit that these things aren't what makes me truly happy.
I am talking about this here to really remind us all about the things that truly make us happy and to really think of what you are grateful for - most likely, it won't be that beautiful bag or dress you bought out of impulse, not those shoes, nor whatever your last rushed-purchase was.
Change your focus from things to people, relationships, and awareness.
What are you truly grateful for?
On this note, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, surrounded by your loved ones, no matter who, or what they are! Show them that you are grateful to them for being in your life!