Blooming Magnolias Blog

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Help, I'm obsessed with stripes!

This will come as no surprise since stripes are frequently featured on this blog and my Instagram, but seriously, I have a problem - I can’t help myself [almost] every time I see a striped piece! I say almost because they must be blue and white, of course (another obsession of mine), though I may go for other colors as well, depending on the design.

There’s just something about the “clean”, simple lines that are calming to me, and even elegant; after all, nautical stripes are considered timeless elegance. Really, one can never go wrong with wearing stripes.

Since moving to Florida, I have been into bold colors and florals (as seen here and here), undoubtedly inspired by the lush landscape around me. Lately, though, I have been gravitating back towards my “safe” choice, aka, stripes. Of course, the fact that I have so many dresses in this “print” makes it difficult to avoid them in the first place, especially as I really love my dresses. And since the 4th of July holiday is coming up soon, I have a feeling that stripes will be a popular choice, hence, I thought of sharing a post with dresses in stripes that I like.

Speaking of holidays… this weekend is a busy one with Saturday, June 19th being Juneteenth Day (celebrating the emancipation of those who have been enslaved in the US), and Sunday - Father’s Day.

And in case you didn’t know, on Fridays, I send out an email to my subscribers highlighting 5 favorite things of the week. This week, in honor of Juneteenth Day, I’m sharing 5 things from small, Black-owned businesses, so if you want to receive the email, subscribe here, and I’ll be sure to add you to the list.

Happy weekend! I hope you celebrate and honor the subjects of this weekend’s holidays the best way you can!

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Until next time.


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