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I believe... an essay on women

In light of International Women’s Day, and the recent measures against women in this country and even across the world…

I don’t consider myself a full feminist; not because I don’t believe in equal rights, but because, when it comes to it, I don’t want to fight in stupid wars started by insecure men with illusions of grandeur (hello, Putin), and I sure as hell don’t want to serve in an army. Just like men would never want to go through what we women have to, physically and psychologically throughout our entire life. That includes creating life, literally. And as women become more and more open about what that truly entails, even more so. And yes, I think women should talk about it.

So when you look at it this way, no, women and men are not equal and never will be. However, that’s not to say that we don’t deserve the same rights, choices, and opportunities.

I very much believe that both women and men should share equal household and societal responsibilities and rights. That we can make our own choices in how we want to live our lives. And that we need to stop thinking/believing that women are weak: history and just everyday life prove the contrary.

Women have changed the world; women have built (and destroyed) empires, women have done it all and continue to do so (no matter what FOX “news” might be telling you). These things prove just how powerful and influential women are. And come on, we know that women do run things better. And I’m saying this in the grand scheme of things… if that offends you, well, you got some soul-searching to do…

Both women and men have been conditioned to believe and act a certain way because it was convenient to certain people, and society overall… And changing these ways has proved to be quite scary for some… I keep pondering why some men feel threatened when women earn/achieve more? Shouldn’t you be happy that she does? Or, wait, does that make you feel like you’re losing control over her? Is that what the real issue is?

I can go on and on about this, but I think you get the gist of it. Below are a few more things I believe, in spite of what society is telling us…

This may be controversial, but…

I believe that weddings and wedding days are overrated.

That a woman’s happiness should not be dependent on whether or not she has a partner.

That a woman should be able to decide how to live her life, and whether or not to have kids.

That marriage (or more like a wedding) shouldn’t be the end all.

That a woman can be accomplished whether or not she is married.

That a woman’s worth shouldn’t be judged on the fact that she is or she is not married.

P.S. Yes, I am married but these beliefs stand in spite of my marrital status.



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