5 intentions for the week
Raindrops captured this past weekend.
This past weekend, we finally got out of our home for a stroll along The Riverwalk in Tampa’s downtown. After months of hot days, Sunday felt cooler, albeit still humid, thanks to Tropical Storm Fred that was passing by us in the Gulf of Mexico, which, for once, made it pleasant being outside.
Our walk was swiftly interrupted by rain courtesy of Fred, and we retracted to our car. Not wanting to go home just yet, we decided to just stay in the car and watch the rain. We ended up staying there for at least an hour, watching and listening to the rain hit the windows and the roof of our car (yes, I took a video at some point). And honestly, it was glorious - it’s been a while that I’ve felt so relaxed and was able to forget about the world’s and my own problems.
The world feels particularly heavy these days, and I’m torn between what’s going on in my own life, and the events that have been capturing the headlines for days, and weeks now.
I have been proven many times that decisions or thoughts coming from a place of fear, confusion, tiredness, and guilt fail to take me to good places, and I firmly believe that one cannot give to others when that one is “all over the place” themselves. To help center myself this week, I’ve decided to set a few intentions that would hopefully “clear my head” so I can be the person I strive to be: calm, caring, and connected. I’m sharing them today, either to follow or set your own, in case you too, need some “centering”.
1) Enjoy a moment without distractions.
Be it drinking my morning (and, who am I kidding, midday) coffee just being there, or simply looking out the window at the view or the clouds; the important thing is to do that without the phone, or some other thing stealing my focus. Surely, we can all spare two minutes - at the very least - to be present.
2) Get outside!
It’s been hot and rainy here lately, and the norm has been skipping time outside in favor of extra-long workdays or whatever other activities have been keeping us busy inside. The result? Well, we’ve felt more tired and, mentally “scattered”, which aren’t good feelings. This week I’m setting the intention of spending a few good minutes outside (no matter how hot) to clear our heads and move our bodies.
3) Plan something fun for the weekend.
Even if it is another moment of being in the car listening to the rain #itsthelittlethings.
4) Listen to fun music.
I have to admit that I rarely listen to music these days, and I have no idea what is out there (other than those very few extremely overused songs accompanying every video on Instagram, can we stop?). Though, on the rare occasions when I do listen to these songs or this playlist I used to play regularly years ago, my mood undeniably changes for the better. For that reason, I’m adding music to the list of intentions for this week, at the very least. What's one thing that lifts your mood? Are you practicing it?
5) Not think of the past or future.
I’ve come across this quote on Instagram: “When thinking about life, remember this: no amount of guilt can change the past. No amount of anxiety can change the future.”, and it really spoke to me.
My final intention for this week, especially with everything happening on this planet, is to not think of the past or future because that inevitably brings the feelings described in that quote. Sometimes, being the ostrich burying their head in the sand is the way to go (though, they don’t do that to hide, but, really, to do their own thing, which for them is building their nest).
Do you set intentions for yourself?
Blooms of a “flamboyant” or “flame” tree to cheer you up.
Until next time.