5 things that bring me joy this week
You can check out the entire “5 things that bring me joy this week” weekly series here. It's a collection of seemingly insignificant things that remind us to appreciate the little things—those small joys that make a difference in our daily lives.
Here’s to another edition of this series meant to inspire taking notice of the small things in our lives — I firmly believe they add up in big ways.
The sentiment of joy these days feels out of place, and even almost wrong, and that’s exactly why we need to hold on to it. So join me in finding joy in the little things this week. Here’s my list:
warmth. Even if it is too much for this time of the year, we’ll take it after extended periods of colder-than-expected weather. I can finally stop shivering after taking my showers, haha.
nature walks. Just the thing needed to clear our minds while moving our bodies. Being in nature always brings joy.
this lipstick that’s making waves online these days (IYKYK). Added to my wishlist! For more of the backstory, check here.
the overly cheerful bird chirps happening as I’m writing this. It’s been a while since I’ve heard those — the birds must be happy they’re no longer freezing (as are we, frankly).
baked salmon bowls. I adore salmon and these days, dinners made of baked salmon with a bowl of rice and whatever raw and cooked veggies we have, bring a lot of joy.
What’s bringing YOU joy these days?