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5 things that bring me joy this week

Check the entire “5 things that bring me joy this week” weekly series here, a collection of seemingly insignificant things that remind us to appreciate the little things — those small joys that make a difference in our day-to-day.

There might just be something in the air lately because it’s been a week… again. But there are bright sides as well: I started a new book that’s been great so far, we started watching a new show that’s been enthralling, and I finally “got my hands” on a dress I’ve been watching for months. I kept missing it in my size until this past weekend when I checked my email at the right time and received the back-in-stock notification. I was able to purchase it, though I’m still waiting for its delivery, so I am cautiously optimistic that I got it in the right size… It’s been a while since I shopped at this retailer so I will share the dress details once I have it.

Here is a list of other 5 things that bring me joy this week:

  • this lip night mask! I tucked it in my nightstand drawer a while ago and forgot about it until I cleaned and organized my drawers this past weekend. I forgot how well it does its job and it’s been nice rediscovering it. Smooth and hydrated lips bring joy, right? This works better than any lip balm I’ve tried so far.

  • watching the lightning. We have massive windows with unobstructed views and can see far into the distance. This week, the lightning has produced quite the show behind the clouds, and honestly, it’s been a beautiful thing to watch safely from home, of course. Nature never ceases to amaze me!

  • falling asleep to the sound of rain gently tapping on our windows. There is no better sound to fall asleep to in my opinion… well, except that of a cat sweetly purring next to you…

  • my lush little garden. It’s so beautiful and brings me joy every time I see it. By the way, growing zinnias from seed made me fall in love with them!

  • fresh cherries. I adore them and since it’s their season now, I’m taking advantage of it as much as possible… As I can never have enough, I’m enjoying them fresh these days. Otherwise, we buy them frozen and use them in smoothies, baking, etc. This reminds me — we need to make cherry popsicles!

What’s bringing YOU joy this week?



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