Friday randoms: my camera roll

TGIF! Another week has gone by and we're getting closer and closer to spring. Sort of. I say so because it felt like spring here for most of 2018. This week has been mostly chilly and gloomy, with the little sun here and there.

This past weekend we continued with our promise to have more fun or at least, take time to simply enjoy the outdoors and the things around us. We went to a local garden to admire the blossoms nature has generously been offering us.

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The garden had this gazebo decorated for Valentine's and of course we took advantage of it, taking in all the warm sun invading it.

We strolled under the lemon trees, blooming acacia and wild pears blossoms and blue skies all around. We even came across a tree covered in Spanish moss from which crystals were hanging, spreading colorful lights all over the ground. After an intense week, it was what we needed - getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoying the peace and quiet this place had to offer.


How was your week?

Until next time.