5 things that bring me joy this week

5 things that bring me joy this week | Blooming Magnolias Blog | Lifestyle, things that bring joy, sunshine, sun reflections.

You can check out the entire “5 things that bring me joy this week” weekly series here. It's a collection of seemingly insignificant things that remind us to appreciate the little things—those small joys that make a difference in our daily lives.

Life is a hard battle anyway. If we laugh and sing a little as we fight the good fight of freedom, it makes it all go easier. I will not allow my life’s light to be determined by the darkness around me.
— Sojourner Truth

This quote has been on my mind since it was shared with me a few weeks ago. In honor of Black History Month, I wanted to share it (along with bits of this incredible Black woman’s life and accomplishments) to keep in the back of your mind these days.

Also, in honor of Black History Month, I wanted to highlight a Black-women-owned business I’m eager to familiarize myself with — The Lip Bar. I’ve heard great things about their products and can’t wait to try them (this is not sponsored in any way).

It’s been intense this last month, hasn’t it? That is why I opened this post with that quote; we have one hell of a ride ahead of us, remember to take care of yourselves and look for the little things to keep you grounded. Here’s what’s on my list this week:

  • pouring rain. It felt like a cleansing for the soul while being a literal one for nature. The #smalljoys these days…

  • a cooling trend. 84 degrees and humid was not exactly normal for February in Florida, so getting a cold front is welcome, even if I know I’ll be freezing in no time.

  • baking. I’ve avoided using the stove and oven during this heat wave as we didn’t want to use the A/C (on the upside, our energy bill was lower than ever). With this cool weather, I’m looking forward to baking our meals and treats for the next several days.

  • this blue and white skirt on its way to me. I’m still over here with a weakness for blue and white, and when I saw this skirt is made of poplin, I decided I needed it.

  • Gilmore Girls. Pretty sure this was also on the list last week (I don’t keep track), but when you find a show that relaxes you and makes you laugh, it sure makes it on the list as many times as it deserves. It really brings us joy, you know?

What’s bringing YOU joy this week?





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