2025: a look ahead LifestyleEm | Blooming Magnolias BlogJanuary 10, 2025New Year, Goals, ResolutionsComment
2025: ins and outs LifestyleEm | Blooming Magnolias BlogJanuary 7, 2025New Year, goals, ResolutionsComment
What's in, and what's out in 2024 LifestyleEm | Blooming Magnolias BlogJanuary 9, 2024Thoughts, New Year, Resolutions, GoalsComment
Why I'm no longer making New Year resolutions LifestyleEm | Blooming Magnolias BlogJanuary 5, 2021Thoughts, Personal improvement, Resolutions, ReflectionsComment
On 2020 and what I'm looking forward to in 2021 LifestyleEm | Blooming Magnolias BlogDecember 29, 2020New Year, Thoughts, Reflections, Resolutions, Year in ReviewComment
In the new year I will... LifestyleEm | Blooming Magnolias BlogDecember 31, 2017New Year, Goals, Resolutions, #targetstyle, Reflections, Year in ReviewComment