5 things that bring me joy this week
stumbling upon a yard of blooming and budding amaryllis…
You can check out the entire “5 things that bring me joy this week” weekly series here. It’s a collection of seemingly insignificant things that remind us to appreciate the little things—those small joys that make a difference in our daily lives.
This week has been a rollercoaster (though, in all honesty, all weeks of this year so far have been like this). Plus, it feels like it’s dragging; hopefully, it’s downhill from here. Taking it day by day and looking for small joys in between.
Here’s what’s on the list this week:
cleaning my makeup brushes. This is your friendly reminder to do the same because, whatever the reason, cleaning these (or more like, having clean makeup brushes) just brings joy (and a sense of accomplishment for me).
a cup of herbal tea 1-2 hours before bed. The tea choice changes depending on mood (but it goes from chamomile to ginger and lemon to rosehip and hibiscus; I also highly recommend linded blossom tea). It helps us relax and sleep better, but aside from that, it’s a comforting habit.
a clean home. I’m one of those people who don’t do well in a dirty or cluttered environment. While I tidy/dust/vacuum every day, a fully cleaned home (aka, moving the furniture, etc.) sure brings a lot of joy (and a calm mind for me).
a 90-day streak on Duolingo! I shared in December that I decided to learn Spanish on Duolingo. Well, here I am 90 days later. Not necessarily able to speak much, but I definitely have a better vocabulary than when I started, haha! Anyway, this brings me joy!
short nails! Okay, this may be a weird one, but I truly can’t stand having long nails; they bother me to no end! Cutting my nails brings me joy! Yep, I meant it when I said this series is about the little things…
What’s bringing YOU joy this week?