5 things that bring me joy this week

from the archive…

You can check out the entire “5 things that bring me joy this week” weekly series here. It’s a collection of seemingly insignificant things that remind us to appreciate the little things—those small joys that make a difference in our daily lives.

How’s it going? It’s been a good week so far here, although I am losing steam today as I feel tired and sleepy, and let’s just say I’m ready for the weekend.

Speaking of, this past weekend was a pretty good one as we did and saw some fun things; this next one we’re supposed to have amazing weather, so I’m plotting activities...

In the meantime, here’s what’s bringing me joy this week:

  • the gorgeous vintage jewelry pieces I found at this year’s chiselers market. We’ve been going yearly, starting with 2023 when we stumbled upon it by chance and came home with some great finds. We went late this time and still managed to bring back pieces we’ll cherish for a long time. If you’re in the area when it happens (so far, always mid-March), do check it out!

  • this perfect weather. I love keeping the windows and doors open these days. Sure, I can hear the traffic and life in the city clearly, but also the birds and their trills in the garden just below our windows. It feels like such a treat these days!

  • this $5 mascara! People are very divided on this one, and I happen to join the “love it” crowd these days. I say these days because I wasn’t a fan the first time I tried it. I’m not sure what changed now — maybe it’s my fuller lashes because of this lash serum? For the price, it’s worth a try — perhaps it’ll be your next great find!

  • this halter dress! I have been eyeing it for several months and finally decided to get it. I can’t wait to receive it — I love the style and color!

  • my blooming orchids! Yes, I mentioned this recently but I now have two orchids blooming (a white one and a medium-pink/purple one) and they bring me so much joy! I will be in heaven when all (more than 10) bloom!

What’s bringing YOU joy this week?





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