5 things that bring me joy this week

5 things that bring me joy this week | Blooming Magnolias Blog | Lifestyle, beach view, Florida beaches, Florida nature

Check the entire “5 things that bring me joy this week” weekly series here, a collection of seemingly insignificant things that serve as a reminder to appreciate the little things — those small joys that make a difference in our day-to-day.

This has been a challenging week and I might have also had a nervous breakdown because of it, but the show must go on. Leaning into the little things and, dutifully, I’m sharing 5 of them that bring me joy this week:

  • reading some incredible books this month. I just finished another one that’s been added to my favorites list. The books I read in April are coming up in my month-at-a-glance post this Friday, but I’m thinking of putting together a separate blog post dedicated to my best reads to make them easier to find. Because these books deserve to be discovered.

  • noticing my eyelashes getting stronger and thicker after restarting this treatment I followed a while back. After a few weeks of consistent use, my lashes are longer and fuller. I promise it works and is super cost-effective!

  • this GT’s Alive Ancient Mushroom Elixir drink. This is my drink of choice (along with kombucha) and I’m always looking forward to it. It’s refreshing and yes, it just brings joy.

  • the flower seeds I planted last week already sprouting and growing. I have nasturtium (did you know they are edible?), sweet peas, delphiniums, zinnias, cornflowers, and sunflowers. Gardening gives me pause and brings joy these days, that’s for sure, so again, I’m leaning into it.

  • this face ice roller. It’s on major sale right now and I’m so glad I finally remembered to buy one for myself — using it literally brings me joy.

What’s bringing YOU joy this week?



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