5 things that bring me joy this week

5 things that bring me joy this week | Blooming Magnolias Blog | Lifestyle, Gratitude list, weekly series, small things in life, wildflowers, Florida

Check the entire “5 things that bring me joy this week” weekly series here.

It’s literally all about the little things these days as we’re so caught up on to-do lists that seem to never get crossed off, and a lull of sorts. Life these days is about figuring things out day after day and going with whatever comes our way when little of our time is truly “ours”. I can’t complain though...

With that said, here are the 5 things that bring me joy this week:

  • Hubby being extra caring and supportive, right when I need it the most. I just felt like giving him a special shoutout this week.

  • Watching Celebrity IOU. It’s probably staged like any other HGTV show, but it’s heartwarming to watch. If you’re looking for something feel-good to watch, try this show.

  • Blooming wildflower fields. I don’t remember seeing a lot of flowers in Florida the first years we were here, and I was pretty sad about it as I absolutely adore them. In comparison, California has flowers year-round literally everywhere, and seeing them would always make me happy… Well, these last few months as we’ve been driving to a lot of places across Florida, I’ve been seeing fields of them, and it brings me so much joy! Keep them coming…

  • This IPL permanent hair removal device! I’ll never shut up about it, because, for me, it truly has been life-changing. Experiencing the results brings me immense joy week after week. Worth. Every. Penny.

  • Seeing butterflies everywhere. I’ve been seeing so many butterflies in the oddest and most unexpected places, and I’ve even had them fly in front of my nose. There is a meaning to this, I am sure, but seeing butterflies always brings me joy.

What’s bringing YOU joy this week?

5 things that bring me joy this week | Blooming Magnolias Blog | Lifestyle, Gratitude list, weekly series, small things in life, wildflowers, Florida, butterfly

Count your blessings every day, friends! #AttitudeOfGratitude



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