5 things that bring me joy this week

5 things that bring me joy this week | Blooming Magnolias Blog | Lifestyle, things that brighten your day, things that bring joy, things that make you happy, things that make you smile, fresh flowers. bouquet.

Check the entire “5 things that bring me joy this week” weekly series here, a collection of seemingly insignificant things that serve as a reminder to appreciate the little things — those small joys that make a difference in our day-to-day.

Hello friends! I hope your week is going well so far, and only gets better. We’re having an exciting one as a few things are happening around here.

With that said, I will keep this short and jump straight into this week’s list of things that bring me joy. I hope you enjoy it and it inspires you to make your own:

  • all the cake I’m going to be eating this week😊 ! Yes, it will come with some regret once I can “feel” it, but we’ll think of that later, and enjoy the moment now!

  • this bouquet I made of pink and white carnations and these unknown-to-me-yet tiny flowers. It brings me so much joy!

  • this “instant” de-frizzer. I mean… wow, what took me so long to try it? This stuff is amazing at taming frizz (even during a Florida rainstorm). So yes, it brings me joy that my hair is staying put during these humid days (summers in Florida, #amiright?). Just note that it has a strong scent that *lasts*. If you’re sensitive to smells maybe skip this one... Otherwise, this product is great even for my fine, easily-gets-oily-hair.

  • these earrings I just found and can’t stop thinking about! They’re stunning and I’m seeing some turquoise in my future!

  • this morning’s thunderstorm! Sure, I would have liked to sleep longer, but I didn’t mind *as much* being awakened by thunder and rain. Especially as it’s been a while, and you know I love the rain!

What’s bringing YOU joy this week?




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