5 things that bring me joy this week
peace and quiet...
Check the entire “5 things that bring me joy this week” weekly series here, a collection of seemingly insignificant things that remind us to appreciate the little things — those small joys that make a difference in our day-to-day.
I’m in a daze this week, for no particular reason, it seems. I could use more sleep (don’t we all?), so that’s definitely not helping. I’m yet again looking forward to the weekend to catch up on sleep. And figure out something fun to do.
Not a lot has been going on here otherwise, and this week’s list of 5 [random] things bringing me joy reflects that. Shall we jump into it?
my new blue and white mug. Because I needed another blue and white mug, not! Don’t blame me, I just couldn’t resist it and needed it for when I’m feeling… fancy! By the way, I found this Calico set that reminded me of one I have — I love it! #blueandwhiteforever.
moody weather days… Don’t get me wrong, it’s still as hot as it can be here, but we’ve been getting cloudy skies (and some rain here and there), and after a week straight of nothing but [bright and hot] sunshine, it feels welcomed… Oh, do I envy those of you experiencing fall weather (though you can have your 50s, I’ll take my 70s to mid-80s, thanks!)…
a new dress to look forward to… Yes, I know I need help…
quiet evenings that I very much look forward to, no matter what. What can I say, I love my peace and quiet, and yes, it actually brings me joy!
the hope and joy we’re feeling this week… If you’re not feeling it, well, you’re with the wrong crowd. And I’ll leave it at that!
What’s bringing YOU joy this week?