Thoughts and ponderings
I don’t “talk” much about “deep” stuff here on the blog. I don’t think you necessarily come to my blog to read such things or even follow me for that.
But I’ve been focusing on my mind lately… And life… And everything that’s happening… Yes, I’ve been thinking a lot, and I’ve come to the conclusion that…
You do not need to know everything (but please do make informed decisions).
You do not need to have an opinion about everything.
You do not have to comment on everything.
You do not have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.
You definitely have to protect yourself and guard your mind.
*where you is all of us.
We’ve all been in a state lately, or, has it really been years? Yes, yes it has.
The reality is that there is always something going on… Have you looked around you? Life never stops, the world never stops. It goes on and on, no matter what gets thrown its way. And you still have to show up to work. And you still need to pay your bills. And you still have responsibilities.
Don’t feel guilty for living your life. Grief and trauma are parts of each of us, and just because you don’t see that in someone else, it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. They’re just doing the best they can, or are really good at hiding it.
We take life for granted, we take ourselves and our health for granted, we take our loved ones for granted, somehow thinking that everything and everyone will be here forever. And yet, that’s not the case. Anything and everything can literally change at any moment; the life you know, the one you take for granted now could be taken away from you at any point… how would you feel about that?
I’ve been reading a book this past month that has been eye-opening. Thought-provoking. Challenging. Comforting. Uplifting.
There are quite a few aha moments, quotes, and lines that have stuck to my mind, but what I truly can’t get out of my head is this particular quote below:
“The trend of civilization is upward, and though the line may zigzag upward and downward at given periods, it moves eternally upward, as a whole. ”
Because I know it deep in my being that it is true. History is there to prove it. Humanity is still here to back it.
And, to make you feel a little better, here’s some food for thought; think about it and recognize the truth that lies in it.
“... the man who uses his mind power to damage or destroy others, soon eliminates himself by the loss of his power...”
Take care of yourself.
- Em